I had the most amazing time sharing my story at the NYC event of This Is My Brave! There were 350 people in the audience. It was the biggest audience I have ever spoken in front of. Backstage I was very nervous. I just kept telling myself to be confident.
“I am confident. I am confident. I am confident.”
I was the second to last person to speak. As it got closer to my turn my anxiety grew. But I kept reminding myself to be confident. When it became my turn, I stood up and gave a fist pound the woman who spoke before me. I approached the podium with shaking hands. I started off with a shaky voice and shaky hands. As I kept talking my anxiety went away. I felt more and more comfortable. I felt amazing. I was speaking in front of 350 people…and they wanted to hear what I had to say. That feeling was amazing. Public speaking is what I am meant for. Sharing my story is what I want to do with my life and this experience confirmed it.
Thank you to everyone who was involved, and the organizers (twitter.com/askwass and twitter.com/stylewithden).
It was an amazing, and life-changing experience.
“I’ve learned to accept it and embrace it.” –@SchizophrenicNY #livebrave #storytellingsaveslives pic.twitter.com/lzCwGi3Rsg
— This Is My Brave® (@ThisIsMyBrave) September 25, 2018