What Schizophrenics Really Think About Words on Bathroom Walls

We don’t hold back. Michelle Hammer from Schizophrenic.NYC and Cecilia McGough from Students With Psychosis were both approached to help promote this film (which features a character with #Schizophrenia) after it was ready to be released to theaters and after the production team noticed ticket sales were affected by COVID. Our latest episode of @schizophreniaandthecity does not hold back. *Spoiler Alert* This is not a promotion.

Schizophrenia And The City

The Podcast

Schizophrenia And The City is a podcast and video series hosted by two New York City women Michelle Hammer and Cecilia McGough spilling the tea about their lived experiences with schizophrenia and life in NYC. Topics cover a range of everyday New York City life from dating to social entrepreneurship but from the lens of a person living with schizophrenia.

